How do robots help people – robotics in healthcare

How do robots help people – robotics in healthcare

07/06/2019 Off By Inaw.Viche

Robotics is the advanced techniques in the engineering field. This technique plays a vital role in the medical field. The robotic technology gets slowly developed and enters into personal life and uses many industries. The robotics in healthcare helps to perform difficult surgery. This is also used to perform some other works in the medical fields. Some of the benefits are given below.

  • Surgical assistance
  • Robots in medical transportation
  • Telepresence
  • Rehabilitation robots
  • Prescription system
  • Sanitation and disinfection robots
  • Transportation process

Surgical assistance

Some of the healthcare robotics helps the doctors during surgery and perform some simple works. The robot can act as surgical assistance to the doctor and simply their work. These surgical assistance robots get developed and the modern robot has the modern technology of 3DHD. This advanced robot helps to provide additional guidance to the doctor during the critical surgery.

Some of the robots are designed for delivering medications, foods, supplies to the patients based on the doctor’s prescription. This helps to deliver the needs of the patient quickly. It also helps to reduce the man source.


Some of the robots are used to examine and treat the patients in rural areas through the telephonic presence. Doctors communicate with the patients through robots and guide the robot to treat them. This type of robots has the camera to view the patient and give the exact prescription to them. This helps to treat rural people easily and treat them immediately.

Rehabilitation robots

The rehabilitation robots play a vital role in the recovery of people with disabilities and also help to improve mobility, coordination, and strength. This robot is specially designed to adapt the conditions of the patient and helps to recover from the stroke, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain or neuromuscular diseases like multiple sclerosis.

rehabilitation robots

Prescription system

The most advantages of robots in medical field are their speed and accuracy. These are very important for the physician. The robots designed with this advanced technology helps to find out the disease and prescriptions for them. This is very useful to analyze the exact reports and recommend the exact medicines.

Sanitation and disinfection robots

There are lots of antibiotic-resistance bacteria and deadly infections like Ebola. For these cases, sanitation and disinfection robots help to clean the surface. This helps to avoid the disease spread to others. This robot can quickly clean the surface and make sure the hygienic conditions.

Transportation process

Some of the robots are used for transports some of the medical equipment without getting any damage to it. This helps to bring the required machine quickly to treat emergency cases. The robot can able to carry huge things and move quickly.

These are some of the major roles of robotics and medicine which helps to cure many diseases. The robotic technology getting developed based on their needs. The robotic role in healthcare is unavoidable and brings drastic changes to the medical field.